
This post is going to be different. No fanfare, no witty banter, and no embedded tweets. After nearly a year working as a full-time community manager, I am returning to my home in tech: documentation.

Although the transition to community management was the right thing for me at the time, during the past months I had undergone a powerful (and yes, at times painful) transformative process, which led me to make some major changes both on a personal and a professional level. This is one of them.

This week I start my next chapter as an upstream technical writer for Red Hat Developer Experience. I am happy to be back with my Red Hat Content Services family, and I’m also happy that I can maintain the community connection by focusing on community documentation.

My journey behind the scenes of a community was exciting, enlightening, and I am absolutely grateful for my peers and mentors for their support, knowledge, and friendship. I learned a ton during this year and I know I’ll be carrying this knowledge forth wherever I go.

Oh yeah, and welcome to my upgraded blog. I liberated myself from the WordPress overlords and switched to a Jekyll site served over GitHub Pages. It’s about time that the shoemaker made themselves a pair of shoes :)

Stay happy,
