Happy 2017 internets! I’m excited to share the latest updates about the Write the Docs community, we’ve been working hard to prepare for 2017 and it looks like our efforts are paying off with better infrastructure and processes for the global community.
As most of you know, I’ve been organizing the European conference for the past couple of years, and this year we adjusted some of the roles in the global community team so I’m also contributing more to the North America conference, as well as global meetup support and other community assistance.
Anyway, right before the winter holidays we launched the shiny new website for the Portland conference, as well as opened the call for proposals and ticket sales. The CFP will be open until February 10, so anyone on the fence is encouraged to get off the fence and submit a talk!
In parallel, we’re porting the shiny new design to the Europe site, hopefully will launch it soon. I’m really happy that we’re unifying things this year more than before, our community is growing exponentially and I can already see the benefits of a single voice, platform, and team to support the operations of the conferences and meetups.
I’ll be traveling to Portland in May for the conference, so looking forward to seeing as many of my fellow documentarians there.
Docs or it didn’t happen!
That Docs Lady